A double headed monster post today. This week I have been mostly teaching myself watercolours and working on more burlesque themed illustrations.
The watercolours are pretty humble beginnings but I am progressing with them pretty well. They are of Kedleston Hall's grounds as well as random forests from my rather large back catalogue of tree/forest photos. I was off plein air painting today but the rain was relentless so I bailed and spent my bank holiday in the studio instead.
For the Burlesque stuff a massive thanks once again to Miss Rain Photography. You can get to her blog from my friends section on the right hand side.
The models here are Missy Malone as the devil on white, Sherry Trifle as a trifle (!), Scarlett Daggers in the dark vignette image, Trixie De Licious tweaked with a nice new blue background, Frankii Wilde as a devil on green paper and Anna Fur Laxis as a sailor. I started playing with my old Psy-Chics idea again too. The big head on its own is my playing with stylisation. I also did an interpretation of another one of Frankii following the same style. Whew! I also have some oils on the go but none are quite ready to share yet.